Blackjack Strategy

Online blackjack, especially when using a blackjack strategy, is the game that offers the best chances of winning. This is one of the few casino games where you can use your own skills to properly reduce your houseshare by knowing Blackjack probability calculation.

Each of your cards has an optimal move based on the dealer’s cards.

H = Hit (Take card), S = Stand (Pass), D = Double (Double), T = Split (Split)

Your Cards Dealer Card
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A
<= 8 H H H H H H H H H H
9 H D D D D H H H H H
10 D D D D D D D D H H
11 D D D D D D D D D H
12 H H S S S H H H H H
13 S S S S S H H H H H
14 S S S S S H H H H H
15 S S S S S H H H H H
16 S S S S S H H H H H
>=17 S S S S S S S S S S
A-2 H H H D D H H H H H
A-3 H H H D D H H H H H
A-4 H H D D D H H H H H
A-5 H H D D D H H H H H
A-6 H D D D D H H H H H
A-7 S D D D D S S H H H
A-8 S S S S S S S S S S
A-9 S S S S S S S S S S
2-2 H H T T T T H H H H
3-3 H H T T T T H H H H
4-4 H H H T T H H H H H
5-5 H T T T T H H H H H
6-6 H T T T T H H H H H
7-7 T T T T T T H H H H
8-8 T T T T T T T T T T
9-9 T T T T T S T T S S
10-10 S S S S S S S S S S

It’s not enough to have a basic understanding if you are playing for real money

We regularly receive emails from people who say they downloaded our blackjack charts, went to a casino, and won. That’s great news, but it could’ve gone either way. Even with luck, basic strategy cannot overcome the house edge. Imagine a space shuttle. The rocket booster is all you need. It raises the shuttle high enough in the atmosphere for it to do its job. The booster never reaches space. To beat blackjack, you’ll need counting, deviations, true count conversions, and betting strategy, but that’s later.

Memorize it!
This is the crux of beating blackjack. A wallet-sized basic strategy bought in a gift shop on their last vacation was built on. It takes practise to memorise this stuff. We wouldn’t have a website dedicated to teaching it if it was easy.

What you start with is not what you get!
After learning this chart, you’ll need to learn more blackjack rules and deviations that pertain to the games you’ll play. The more you master basic strategy, the easier it will be to master other rule charts.

A 99 percent win rate isn’t good enough in a game where the house has a 1% edge. To order a drink from a waitress, you must know these strategy charts backwards and forwards.

Blackjack Strategies That Work

Finding a blackjack strategy that works for you as a player can be difficult. The time-tested strategies that work consistently across multiple blackjack games are the ones you want to focus on. Today, we’ll look at the best blackjack strategies, alternating between a basic strategy for beginners, a list of rules to follow when playing blackjack, and suggested actions based on your current cards. This strategy guide is meant to be used as a constant source of inspiration. It’s a work in progress, but the core principles are true, accurate, and helpful.